Mahimahi – Cigale 14


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4 thoughts on “Kontakt

  1. Poul Halberg Jørgensen

    Qaqortoq, South Greenland, like a “lighthouse” in a small cove on your circumnavigation.

    Road trip of 10 km in the city, cup of coffee, slides with sea ice and storm / hurricane, seen from the “harbor pilot” balcony, your touching with fingers national costume.

    Have a go wind at your journey.

    Baaj from Poul

  2. Finn Iversen

    Hei igjen, håper dere har en fin overseiling til Brasil.
    Mvh Finn, Randi og Astrid på Tirnanoir.
    Ps: Astrid har fått et par nye kompisar som Soffie skulle hilst på?

  3. Paul & Monique

    Hi Magnus and Sara,

    How are you doing? We just had a look on your website and we see you are already in Australia! We were al the time behind you. It’s a pitty we couldn’t catch up again?
    How is your watermaker? Still running?
    We are in Fiji now were Paul’s brother is arriving to sail with us to New Zealand.
    It’s nice to hear from you.

    Perhaps we can meet next year in Indonesia, or are you again that fast!!!
    Kind regards,

    Paul & Monique

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